Main steam activities of School
At the beginning of every academic year, all
the parents and teachers gather in for the PTWA general body meeting. The
General Body elects its representatives for the current academic year. Our PTWA
representative for the academic year 2016-17 is Mr. Rajan Joseph.
Clubs: St.
Joseph’s provides ample opportunities to all its children to bloom. It has
varied club activities and all the students are the members of at least one of
the clubs. Literary Club, Health Club, Debate Club, Eco Club, Science Club are
the vibrant clubs of our school.

Study Tour : To
refresh the mind of its buds we plan different study tour packages with the
help of management, teachers and parents.

School Council: To imbibe the true democratic tradition of
India, student leaders are elected. The following are the school leaders for
the academic year 2016-17.
Head Boy: Vysak Venugopal
Head Girl: Theerha Joshi
House Leaders
Blue Diamond :
Green Emerald:
Red Rby :
White Sapphire :