Principal's Message

A tiny seed that was planted in the soil fifteen years ago has grown to become a beautiful tree today. We consider this as a great miracle of God Almighty who has blessed us in countless ways. Thanks to the dedicated and generous labour put in by our pioneer sisters who faithfully carried out the vision of our Founder Blessed Fr.Thomas Maria Fusco.
I am happy to say that St. Joseph‘s has completed its first stage of development and sent its first batch of students for the AISSE on 2007 March and these students have brought remarkable glory to the institution by their outstanding performance.
A student who has educated in our school is like the lily in the hands of St.Joseph spreading the fragrance of good thoughts, words and deeds and attracting those who are around him with the beauty of his good character. How does education help one in this process?
Education helps in discerning, exploring the inner God-given talents and making the best use of them. But one must remember that one should play ones own instrument in the orchestra of life. I wish each Josephite to be faithful like St.Joseph, our Patron who was always righteous and trusted in the providence of God. May God bless us all through the intercession of this great man of God.
Dear children, I would like to quote
our founder‘s maxim "You are a masterpiece in the hands of God, the
object of His love". Let you be molded by His divine wisdom just like
clay in the hands of a potter.
God Bless You !!!
Rev. Sr. Mini Joseph DCPB